TFC Ltd – Vendor Managed Inventory, Industrial Fixings & Fastener Supplier

Crest-to-Crest® Wave Springs

Crest-to-Crest Wave Springs are flat wire, multi-turn springs coiled in series. These wave springs provide a similar force with up to 50% less axial height compared to a traditional coil spring. Standard Crest-to-Crest springs are suitable for light-to-medium loads and medium travel, making them an ideal replacement for coil springs. Crest-to-Crest Wave Springs with shim ends provide a secure 360° contact surface for even load distribution. They are used in applications requiring a larger mating surface area for softer materials such as plastic or aluminum.


Motherboard Heatsink Fan

Small-diameter wave springs were designed to lighten the weight of the fan installed in an electronics application.

Push Button

Small-diameter wave springs minimise assembly size, allowing for a significantly lighter assembly. This feature is particularly beneficial for compact wearable electronics, where every gram counts.

Pressure Relief Valve

Air pressure under the assembly causes the spring load to increase, forcing the plate away from the surface and providing pressure relief.

Oil Valve

The force provided by the wave spring precisely regulates the amount of oil released, providing accurate resistance in a small space and reducing valve size.

Among the major advantages, this design eliminates the need to keep the wave crests aligned. The need to use a key locating device, or to insert a shim between individual springs is not necessary. Because the spring is integrally formed, the wave peaks hold their configuration.

As a replacement for helical compression springs, Crest-to-Crest Springs can develop similar forces yet occupy one-half (1/2) or less of the axial space, allowing for strict space constraints. Crest-to-Crest Springs will maintain the same force and load specification as a conventional round wire spring but with the advantages of lowered and compacted operating heights, free heights, and solid heights.

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